Entreprenuer • Author • Speaker • Lean Maniac
paulakers.net • paul@fastcap.com • +1-360.941.3748

Lean in Prison

Paul Akers gives a special greeting to a special lean team and the response is below.

For more information on lean, visit 2 Second Lean.

“The video was a huge hit and because of it more inmates in the blocks with my guys read your book. Some are even stopping by on their way to the other classes asking if they can borrow it to read so that’s cool. The Dept of Corr is doing a big lean event in February so I invited them to my classroom to see the progress we have made. We started in the bathroom like you said and marked the floor for the garbage barrels then marked for a table then on the table marked for the cleaner and paper towels. Now the guys know if there’s towels because it has a spot now. Lean is amazing, to me it’s about making things less stressful and these guys are dealing with stress especially around the holidays. So I marked their desks, chairs, safety glasses with a number so each person knows what’s theirs and not worrying about getting a good seat or a special seat. I incorporated a dictionary that the same number goes on and we even marked their desks with a rectangle for the dictionaries to go. We do a word of the day that they have to define making them one word smarter a day, then we discuss it. We also do stretching at the start of class but like you I started having the guys lead the stretching to become leaders.

Thank you very much again for all your help and know your book affected my life and in turn I’m trying to show the guys the benefits so it’s also affecting their lives all for the better. Thank you.” Jared

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