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Archive for GPS Tape

Is someone always borrowing your tools?

FastCap’s GPS Tape allows you to quickly identify tools by department or area. The color of the tape helps to determine which department tools belong to e.g., woodshop (red), metal shop (yellow), routing (blue), finishing (green), Bob’s tools (white), or Jim’s tools (black). Everything gets put back with less struggle and no questions. GPS Tape is a super thin vinyl tape that has much better conformability then electrical tape.

Is someone always borrowing your tools?

GPS Tape allows you to quickly identify tools by department or area. The color of the tape helps to determine which department tools belong to e.g., woodshop (red), metal shop (yellow), routing (blue), finishing (green), Bob’s tools (white) or Jim’s tools (black). Everything gets put back with less struggle and no questions. GPS Tape is a super thin vinyl tape that has much better conformability then electrical tape.

Is someone always borrowing your tools?

GPS Tape allows you to quickly identify tools by department or area. The color of the tape helps to determine which department tools belong to e.g., woodshop (red), metal shop (yellow), routing (blue), finishing (green), Bob’s tools (white) or Jim’s tools (black). Everything gets put back with less struggle and no questions. GPS Tape is a super thin vinyl tape that has much better conformability than electrical tape.

Is someone always borrowing your tools?

GPS Tape allows you to quickly identify tools by department or area. The color of the tape helps to determine which department tools belong to e.g., woodshop (red), metal shop (yellow), routing (blue), finishing (green), Bob’s tools (white) or Jim’s tools (black). Everything gets put back with less struggle and no questions. GPS Tape is a super thin vinyl tape that has much better conformability than electrical tape.

GPS Tape for Organizing Tools

Paul Akers discusses FastCap’s GPS Tape which allows you to quickly identify tools by department or area. It’s made from vinyl, but it’s very thin which makes it easy to tear off and allows it to conform wrap and not come undone.

For more information on FastCap’s GPS Tape, visit our website.

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